
Thursday, December 25, 2014


They trusted me,
Now they hate.

I should've done this,
But I was too late.

Now I'm crying,
With no one beside.

I deserve it,
Cause I lied.

I turned my back,
And never look behind.

Is all my fault,
That they put me aside.

Now I know I've,
have failed.

I'm the only one,
Cause the betrayal.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


When I look at myself.
I see fat pig.
I thought of not eating.
I don't care if it makes me sick.

When I become skinny.
I will fit in my jeans.
I don't care what people say.
As long as I'm lean.

I want to be beautiful.
Without all this fat.
I drink a lot of water.
So my stomach become flat.

Skinner is better.
And I'm doing it my way.
Without any food.
Food that cause me to weigh.

I Dont Know How.

I been facing life alone.
Through my parents divorce.
The bullying I had at school.

I felt like god has forsaken me.
Feeling that he doesn't care.
Feeling that his not even there.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Me Vs the World

Sometime I feel like prey.
Prey to man kind.
I don't know where run or hide anymore.
I feel hopeless

Sometimes I feel the world is out to get me.
And they wouldn't stop until I'm dead.
I know I sound Paranoid.
I know I sound crazy.

But I can't help it.
I can't help feeling this way.
Feeling hunted
Feeling like prey.


Graduation is almost here.
You leave things once hold dear.
You will never going see some of your friends again.

You will face real life.
Sometimes you have to put up a fight.
But you can survive.

I want to tell you guys.
You need enjoy your high school life.
You can't rush into it.

I know high school can be boring.
Your so tired you end up snoring.
But you need to make it last.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

This is For Germany

Ok this is for Germany whose been in my audience for a long time and I will like to do a poem in German!


                 Me Vs der Welt

Irgendwann habe ich das Gefühl Beute.
Prey Mann Art.
Ich weiß nicht, wo laufen oder mehr verstecken.
Ich fühle mich hoffnungslos

Manchmal fühle ich mich die Welt ist hinter mir her.
Und sie würden nicht aufhören, bis ich tot bin.
Ich weiß, ich klinge Paranoid.
Ich weiß, dass ich verrückt klingen.

Aber ich kann mir nicht helfen.
Ich kann das Gefühl nicht auf diese Weise.
Fühlen gejagt
Man fühlt sich wie Beute.

Poetry To the Core

Poetry is a gateway to the soul.
Unlocking its hidden secrets made by the author herself.
Knowing that it can either turn out bad or good.
And it can' be stop until it finish every last word.

Unlike art, it has more power over the imagination.
Painting the words on a blank canvas.
Creating masterpieces unknown to man kind.
When author is finish her mind lay to rest.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Such a Fool

I was so blind.
So very,very blind.
I am such a fool.

I thought those people we're my friends, my BEST friends.
But they use me like a tool, a pawn.
I thought they liked me.

Respected me.
But I found out their none of those things.
They never liked me or respected me.

I told them my secretes.
And they told everybody.
I felt so stupid.

I wish I seen this happen.
So my heart can been saved.
Saved from heartache and betrayed.

And here's a lesson for all of you.
Be careful what your friends are.
Or your going to be hurt.

Broken Friendship

We been friends for two years.
Two years.
And it was broken less then two minutes.

I cried and cried and feel that no one will be friends with me.
We were so close and thought we be friends forever.
But I was wrong.

Friendships never last forever.
And I was blind that I didn't see it happening.

I don't know what to do anymore but to move on I guess.
But my heart wouldn't be the same again.
I wouldn't be the same again.

I blame myself for it.
It was all my fault.
I was a jerk and I wish I been nicer.
Maybe she'll still stay

Chubby Guys

I love chubby guys and I don't know why.
I love them that is no lie.
I think they are so cuddly with those fat hugs.
That the part I really love.
I also love how they can eat and eat.
I don't know if that makes me a freak.
If that wrong to think that way.
But what can I say?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Looking at the Moon

Sometimes I look at the moon.
Wondering if someone like me staring at it too.
And if they are looking for their special someone.
Like me.
If this person and me ever met we have lots to talk about.
We can talk about our life.
Our hopes.
Our dreams.

They Can't Control

The school can't control my future.
They say I'm not going to college cause they think I'm not smart enough.
They never giving me a chance to show that I'm smarter then they expected.
But when I do go to college and make a lot of money.
I will rub the check all over their ignorance.

Friday, February 14, 2014


My heartbeats.
Beats for you.
I know our love is true.
True to the heart.
True to the soul.
Our love would never turn cold.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Life is like....

Life is like a maze.
I really don't know which way.
Life is like can really be confusing.
I been outcast all my life.
I wonder why I still alive.
Or why I doing here.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Love spider

Love is like a spider.
Sticking her venom inside you.
Making you feel warm inside.
Numbing your sense of focus.
Making you not see clearly.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Poetry dose not have to be perfect. 
Or has to be good. 
Poetry is about writing down how you feel in life. 
And help you make you feel better. 
Poetry isn't about winning a contest. 
Or whose has a higher score.  
Poetry dose not have to ryme. 
Or make senes. 
Is about having fun while writing it.  
Just like Edgar Allan poe said"poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words

Monday, February 3, 2014


I was always the blame.  
No matter how much I prove they still don't believe me. 
I know I'm innocent. 
I know I wasn't wrong. 
But like the judge they gave me a sentence. 
They put me behind bars waiting for my desmise. 
But I always remain innocent. 


Sometimes I feel like I'm trap in a cage. 
No freedom. 
No future. 

Just like a bird I want to spread my wings and fly. 
But this cage wouldn't let me. 
Not even for a day. 

And sometimes I wonder why I'm even alive. 
And also wonder if someone will let me free. 
If they even notice  

Friday, January 24, 2014

Dark Side

Everyone has a dark side. 
Some hide it. 
Some embrace it. 
Sometimes it can spiral out of control. 
Leading to madness. 
Some can contain it.  
But I ask why contain it if the darkness is always there?  

Monday, January 20, 2014


Life can be so hard for me. 
It kinda hard to me to succeed. 
Sometimes I just want to cry. 

All my life I was an outcast. 
I wish I can just past. 
I wonder why am such a loser. 

People say I never find love. 
Not even up above. 
So I guess I always be single. 

Life is so much pain. 
I wonder why i'm not insane. 
So I guess I'm very strong 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Please Don't Leave Me Behind

Your my best friend.
The best one I ever had.
If you leave I going to miss you.

Please don't leave me.
Because you complete me.
I be so empty without you.

Life can be so unfair.
Sometimes it can be a scare.
Why can't life be the same?

I will miss you.
And I wish can be there for you.
So please don't leave me behind.